Antônio Gomes

One of the Companions of Mestre Irineu


Antônio Gomes da Silva nasceu no Ceará em 30 de abril de 1885. Lá casou-se com sua esposa Maria de Nazaré, e mudou-se para o Pará. Em 1921 veio com toda a família trabalhar nos seringais do Acre, e enviuvou ficando com cinco filhos para criar sozinho. Em segundas núpcias, com Maria Gomes, teve mais quatro filhos. Conheceu a Doutrina do Santo Daime no ano de 1938 e ao falecer em 1946, legou à irmandade o seu caderno de hinário, intitulado "O Amor Divino", composto de 39 hinos. Um outro hino seu, "Senhor Amado", que não faz parte de seu caderno, é o que abre a Santa Missa, compilação de hinos feita pelo Mestre para rituais de velório e homenagens a irmãos desencarnados.
No Acre, embarcações haviam trazido famílias inteiras de nordestinos que fugiam da seca em busca de uma melhor vida na região. "Numa dessas embarcações, relatou dona Zulmira Gomes, papai nos trouxe para cá. Sofremos muito na viagem de navio até aqui, mas chegamos com fé em Deus. Aqui, com uns tempos, papai estava muito doente, sentia uma perturbação no juízo muito forte e eu já estava cansada de tanto correr para aqui e para acolá atrás de uma cura para ele. Compadre Zé das Neves me perguntou se eu não conhecia a sessão de um negro alto que curava na Vila Ivonete. Disse que não. Ele insistiu até que me convenceu a ir até lá. Me apresentei ao Mestre, ele olhou o estado de papai e marcou para a próxima quarta-feira o início do trabalho de cura para ele. Mais ele já saiu de lá melhor e com três sessões de cura ele ficou bonzinho. Aí ele foi e disse que nunca mais abandonaria aquele trabalho", relatou dona Zulmira Gomes.
É no hinário de Antônio Gomes que surge pela primeira vez o nome de "Juramidam", identificado como o nome do Mestre no plano astral. O hino recebido pelo Mestre Irineu "Só eu cantei na barra" foi dedicado a Antônio Gomes. Após o falecimento desse seu querido seguidor, o Mestre se encarregou de sua família a seu pedido, e foram os Gomes um dos pilares centrais de seu centro. Peregrina Gomes Serra é neta de Antônio Gomes e foi a última esposa do Mestre Irineu.
Antônio Gomes Da Silva was born in Ceará, on April 30th of 1885, where he married Ms. Maria Nazaré and had five children. After living in Belém do Pará he moved in 1921 to Rio Branco -- Acre, where he worked in the rubber plantation market and later on in the cultivation of the land.
Becoming a widower he married again, this time with Dona Maria, having of this marriage another four children. He met Mestre Raimundo Irineu Serra in 1938, receiving from him a great benefit for his shaky health. Antônio Gomes joined the doctrine together with his whole family.
As narrates Jairo Carioca's personal account:
Brazil was still under the dictatorship regime of Getúlio Vargas. In the state of Acre ships still would bring entire families of north easterners that were running away from the drought, seeking a better quality of life in the region. “In one of those ships, narrates Ms. Zulmira Gomes, daddy brought us here. We suffered a lot during the ship journey until here but we arrived with faith in God. Here, after a wile, daddy was very sick, feeling a very strong mind perturbation and I was tired to look all around on the search for his cure. *Compadre Zé das Neves asked if I didn’t know the session of a tall black guy that was doing healings in Vila Ivonete. I said no. He insisted until he convinced me to go there. I presented myself to Mestre, he looked at the Antônio Gomes
state of my father and made an appointment for the next Wednesday as the beginning of his healing work. But he walked out of there better at the same day (she smiles), and with three healing sessions he was cured. Then my father said he would never abandon that (spiritual) work,” narrates Ms. Zulmira Gomes.
In this way the Gomes family presented themselves to the session of Raimundo Irineu Serra. This story Ms. Zulmira liked a lot to narrate. Sometimes, whenever I would go visit her in *Alto Santo, I would get impressed with her memory capability. On a very advanced age and well tired of the suffering routine lived until then, Ms Zulmira would never get tired to speak of the past. With a dry branch in hand (to cast away flies), always that a newcomer would arrive in Alto Santo, there she was narrating the unforgettable moments lived by Mestre’s side.
She narrates the end of the first formation cycle of the doctrine. Mestre Irineu, which was already giving the first steps in the institutionalization of his works, relied on a considerable group of followers. Of the new family, besides Antônio Gomes da Silva, the patriarch, his children Leôncio Gomes, Raimundo Gomes, Adália Gomes, José Gomes and Ms. Zulmira Gomes also started to attend the sessions. Ms. Zulmira, married to Mr. Sebastião Goncalves, took his children Raimundo Gonçalves, João Gomes, Benedita Gomes, Eloisa Gomes, and Peregrina Gomes to the mission. This family strengthened the edification of the doctrine like Antônio Gomes himself who started to receive a rich and instructive hinário where he narrates: “Mestre worked, was seeing himself almost alone, and asked of Jesus Christ to open his path."
His son, Leôncio Gomes, was the one who replaced Mestre Irineu in the direction of the works, after his passage, in 1971. Antônio Gomes Da Silva died in August 14th of 1946.
Mr. Antônio Gomes was the brother who first received a mazurka in the doctrine. He (Antônio Gomes) was who taught the brothers and sisters to dance the mazurkas that were being received by others. Antônio Gomes also was who, in the eve of the works, went to the houses of the brothers and sisters who had an edge with one another, asking for peace in between them. He had the incumbency of appeasing the brothers and sisters who were with conjugal problems, in other words, he was known at that time as the messenger of peace; Divine Love.
Mrs. Adália Gomes, wife of Mr. Francisco Grangeiro, since the age of eight years old received from her father, Antônio Gomes, the task of caretaking his hinário, today known as “Divine Love”. Mrs. Adália reminds of the works since when they were brought by Mestre Irineu from Brasiléia to Vila Ivonete.
Guido Carioca


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O Amor Divino’ (The Divine Love)
Antônio Gomes da Silva was born in Ceará, 30 April 1885. He married Maria de Nazaré in Ceará, and had five children. He lived in Belém do Pará for a while, and then moved to Rio Branco, Acre, in 1921.
He worked as a seringueiro, or rubber tapper, and later as a farmer. He lost his first wife, married again, and had another four children. He met Mestre Irineu in 1938, and he received benefits for his unstable health.
Antônio Gomes then became a member of the Santo Daime doctrine, as did his whole family. His son Leôncio became the new leader of Alto Santo, after Mestre Irineu’s death, in 1971.
His granddaughter, Peregrina Gomes, was the third wife of Mestre Irineu. Antônio Gomes da Silva died 14 August 1946.
The guardian of his hinario is Mad Adália Gomes his daughter